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FAQ related to Marriage Biodata & Word(docx) Files

No, Is Milan Mantra  is not a matrimony site. You can create a customized online marriage biodata and  purchase our premium marriage biodata templates in Word (docx) format.

Just Click on the Product/Biodata template you like, On product page you will find a “Download Word file ”  Button, Click the button and you will be redirected to checkout, proceed to payment by clicking “Proceed to Payment” button.

After successful payment, you will get the option to “download the Word file” just in a click, You can also download marriage biodata word file in your account, Click on “My Account”-> “Downloads”. Word file download link will also be sent to your registered email.

Word file (docx) is  almost similar to the marriage biodata shown in picture with high quality designs and nice fonts. File contains the pre-defined data for all sections like for About myself , Expectations , Overview and more …which can easily be changed in some clicks

Word files are easily editable in just one click, Click on the portion you want to edit and add your data accordingly , Also add the photo and give desire shape(Refer the video for Editing guide). you can also increase-decrease the size  of font, arts and choose any font designs. 
Please refer to video for Word file editing Editing Guide

Milan Mantra offers a great support through out chat system, Please click on “Chat Now Icon” in right corner of the screen and ask your questions any time for free.
You can also write us on contact@milanmantra.com and call on 6300883243

Hindu Marriage Bio data Krishna-Flute
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